I wrote this blessing nearly a year ago after a few hours spent sitting with the story of a hurting woman. Sharing it today, lightly edited.

When Life is in Ruins
At a time when the world has closed in on you
and pain blots your usual presence and capacity,
may your inner wildness surround you
and still your thrashing.
When, where life and joy once flowed,
only confusion and woundedness fester,
may honesty allow you to feel your emotions freely and without guilt or shame;
may integrity protect you from short-circuiting your heartache to ease the discomfort of
When what held your heart
has broken it,
may you discover within the fragments new edges and formerly hidden facets of your
heart’s calling and true desire.
When your passions find their opportunities restricted, hedged with thorns, and infused with painful memories,
may you find the courage to let them rest and heal until the time of their renewal and
release returns.
When your future is dimmed in a valley of endless fog,
may you be granted the humility to receive what is present now: the bleakness, as well
as small moments of comfort and kindness.
May your body’s slow release of sorrow be attended with your own care and self-compassion.
May the rivulets of melting snow and the early spring breezes guide you on your long journey home.